Hair Restoration

AGA or androgenetic alopecia (hair loss) is a benign condition that can impact a person’s sense of well being and confidence. It is caused by a host of factors including genetics, hormones, stress, illness, infection, aging, among others. If hair loss is caused by a medical condition, it is important to discuss it with your doctor.

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Hair restoration Microneedling with PRF. This combined treatment trigger the stem cells and activate growth factors, which in turn stimulate the dermal papillae. The dermal papilla is a cluster of specialized fibroblasts that regulate the growth and activity of the various cells in the follicles. It is seen only in the anagen phase of hair. It plays an important role in the regulation of hair cycle and growth. PRF or Platelet-rich fibrin is the next best thing in regenerative aesthetics. We use your OWN blood without any additives, making it 100% natural and packed with high growth factors.

How is the treatment done?

This treatment involves a small sample of your blood collected in tubes. The tubes are then spun in the centrifuge to separate red blood cells. It uses a low spin force that pushes red blood cells to the bottom of the tube. The top layer of the tube’s content is collected, which contains your platelets and white blood cells. The PRF is injected directly on the scalp.

How many sessions to see results? Typically 6-8 sessions spaced out 2 weeks apart.

Ask for package specials on the day of your appointment.

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